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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

My first Blog...Hopefully

Ok, one more time....With Feeling!!

This is my 3rd attempt at writing a blog. I had tried this twice before, but the text wouldn't save (no clue as to why). A shame really....they were rather witty. Oh whimsical notions, we hardly knew ye...

(Blogging...sounds like modern day slang for making out know, like "snogging" but with more "Blah" )

Anyway, you'll probably see a lot more of my normal persona here, a somewhat humorous bit of nerdity (wait, is that a word???). Much discussion on comics, fandom, art and other various shinanagans will be had here, as well as the occational anouncements about the site itself.

Speaking of which, the plan is to have prints of various art of mine available to sell directly from this site. In the next few weeks (while I have a little down time) I'm hoping to contact local printers and mail centers to work out prices that won't be quite so hard on the wallet (while the idea of selling my art appeals to me, I know that money's kinda tight for everybody). I do have a store that features the art I have here and more over on my DeviantART account, or contact me and I'll see what I can come up with for you here.

Anyway, I thank you for stopping in and hope to talk to you in the future. Keep drawing!!!


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