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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

Man, I Suck at this "Updating Your Site" Thing...

I might be better at it if I did art more often, but still...

And I really don't have any excuses for that anymore. I recently invested in a Bosto 16HD drawing tablet recently and it's made my digital drawing a lot easier (as a matter of fact, most of the following works were done with that tablet).

Anyway, here are some more works I've done in the last few months and just added to the Fan Art, Coloring Practice and Original Fantasy Galleries.

"The Unmasking" 2021

"The Witch and Her Brew"

"Get Behind Me"

"Training with the JLA"

"Arise, My Child-An Autumn Tale"

"Arise, My Child-A Winter Tale"

"JLA-The New 52 (Color and Editing Practice)

"Ben Rielly, The Sensational Spiderman" by RedCole84

There is actually one more I did, but I'm debating on whether or not to post it. It's a digital redo of a pencil and ink drawing I did based on Norah Jones song and video, "Miriam". It's a dark song and the works I did are equally as dark (and the digital version maybe a bit too gory). I do think I have some other art in here that also gets a touch gruesome, but still these are a bit strong. At some point I may have to make a new gallery for that kinda thing. I don't know. I'm debating....

There a lot of my original digital and traditional artworks I am redoing digitally now that I have this new drawing tablet. I intend on keeping any traditional art up, but with any digital art I redo, I'm probably going to decide which is better and keep or remove that art depending on that to save space.

On a personal note, I have recently started doing therapy, trying to finally deal with my issues of depression and anxiety. I think I've had a pretty solid start with it, and I'm hoping to start dealing with and putting away a lot of the things that's gotten to me over the years. I turn 50 in about 3 years, and I'd like to no longer carry a lot of that weight when I get there.

I have a lot of digital line arts from my old works I've traced and hope to start finishing them likely next year. I hope to have a Christmas work to share before the year ends. Until next time, I remain....


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