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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

A few updates...

Ok, I've done a few things today (YAY----- PRODUCTIVITY!!!! ). I've got descriptions posted on everything in my Original Fantasy section. I also discovered how to link each work to it's coresponding page on deviantArt (which at the moment is the only place I hve prints avalable). I hope to set up the other sections the same in the coming days.

I also changed the "Excuse the Mess" page to an "Updates" page. Now I have a place where I can inform you of any new additions, subtractions and general...well...updates. ;-)

Oh, and I typed up this blog.

I hope to have more art up soon, as well as scan and re-post my traditional art works, both here and on DA to have better quality prints for those that would want them.

Well, that's it for now. Talk to you later.


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