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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

My first Photomanipulation (and my first Picture Blog....Yay....)....

Welcome to my first attempt at photomanipulation artwork, "A Quiet Place to Rest". It was definately a bit of a learning curve for me (but a fun one). Finding the right stocks ( or at least finding stocks that would fit, then trying to get them to work in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 6 (which is more a draw\paint software than for photomanipulation). I've looked through GIMP, but there is just too many buttons (I keep getting lost, I shamefacedly admit). Maybe one of these days I can swing a copy of Photoshop.....I hope. I'd like to continue learning this style of art ( though, between you and me, I'll probably be more the pencil and paper type for life... ).

I feel pretty good about it. There are improvments to be made (for example, the model is a little transparent), but I feel I'll get better.

The picture can be found on my account on deviantArt as well as the credits for each bit of stock used. Here's the link.

Well, I think I hear bed calling me (friggin' 3rd shift). Night all.


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