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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

Apologies and Plans for 2015

Well, here we are near the end of another year. Whew, this one's been a roller coaster ride. A lot of personal problems, but on the other side of the coin, I sang in Carnegie Hall in New York City and am in a really good relationship (in part because of the trip). So, a good year in total. How's your year been?

I truely am sorry I've not updated here more often. I don't have regular internet access, but I plan on doing something about it. Anyway, I thought I'd share what I have in mind for 2015 artistically. 1) The biggest thing is I'm planning on upgrading to a better computer and having internet set up at home. I've not been able to do a lot of updating here and on my website (or anywhere else really) because I haven't been able to get online as often. I'm hoping getting set up at home will fix that. (And, just between you and me, sitting at a McDonald's for hours on end til work has kinda lost it's charm.) 2) Expand and continue to grow digitally. I have to digital line arts currently and plan on doing more tracings and digital re-colorings next year, as well as hopefully some more original works (both drawn and photomaniped) done. I hope to learn more about how to do manipulations better (going back to that first point, I'll have more time to look at tutorials). I hope not to abandon pencil and paper drawing entirely, but I can do so much more digitally than I can with color pencils. 3) Finding a local print shop and having prints more readily available (or having failed that, get a good quality printer myself). If that's successful, I may start setting up at some of the local festivals here in Kentucky. Not sure if my style is sell-able, but it would be good to find out. 4) It would be nice to do a bit of painting (traditional). Also, I want to learn how to do watercolors.

I think that's a good start on the new year. If I don't talk to you until afterwards, have a Merry Christmas (or whatever Holiday you celebrate) and a Happy New Year!


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