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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

Hello again, everybody...

Long time, no see. It's been awhile since I've been here.

But, I've just added some of my newer works. Some photomanipulations (one of which features me as the 15th Doctor...just to keep in practice if nothing else), some digital paintings, one traditional work (more on that in a bit).

I'm hoping to have more works in the weeks and months to come. I've been kinda struggling to keep up the creativity over the last few months. Since last I was here, I've moved to a new city, changed jobs and have been trying to adapt to these (God, it's almost been about a year).

Also, I've been having a discussion with myself about mediums. My full thoughts with can be seen at the link below, but basically I've been debating between traditional and digital art.

Most of my life, I've been drawing and coloring most of my works by hand. Pencils, pens and color pencils were my main mode of expression (and for the record, I'll still be using them probably til I pass from this mortal coil). It gives you a finished work you can hold on to and physically sell, trade or hang on your wall. There's just something about seeing your work done by your own 2 hands.

Unfortunately, the color pencils I use that put out the color I like are really expensive, as are the closest equals. More to the point, the eczema in my fingers (where they crack and bleed all the time) and occasional stiffness is not easing.

Now, Over the last several months, I've been delving into the world of digital art, whether by painting over photos of my original artworks, tracing my line arts, or completely digital drawings from start to finish. And though still a neophyte in photomanipulation, I believe I'm getting better. And now that I have a scanner and a art program I can multiply the layer properly now, I can still pencil and ink works by hand then color them digitally. The problem is that, unless I order a print or get a better printer, there's not a physical copy when I'm done. It just sits in my computer as a file.

I'll probably be doing more with pencil\pen layouts and then color digitally for financial reasons, but I hope to still have some fully traditional pictures too.

And that's not mentioning the crap ton of photos I need to sort through, but that's a blog for another day.

Here's the link I mentioned earlier.

Well, it's been fun talking to you guys again. I hope not to be as much a stranger this time. And, whether traditional or digital, I still remain...


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