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  • Writer's picturedhbraley


Well, if this hasn't been a rollercoaster start to the year.....but let's not dwell on it.. Instead, I thought I'd let you know what's going on with me. I've actually manage to sell some prints of my work, and have a commission for a co worker I've got plotted... I just need to start drawing.

I've got some stock photos I plan to upload today and over the next few days over on DeviantArt. I'm trying not to spam their message boards by loading it all at once.

I am also planning a actual photo stock shoot with me using that 15th Doctor idea that I have used in the past. I've managed to talk my girlfriend into working behind my little camera. I have my older 11th Doctor sonic screwdriver and I just got a replica of the 10th Doctor's.

I'm still looking at digitally coloring some of my old line arts. It might be tricky, though, as most of them was posted via photograph rather than scanning, and I'm have trouble making them usable. I hope to do some new drawings that I can ink out and scan to the computer (maybe even redraw some of my older stuff and make them better). I'm also thinking about doing a webcomic. I have a backlog of superheroes I've created or helped create over the years, and I'd hate for them to go to waste. I may have to find someone to help me with the scripting. I can plot ok, but that's about it.

I'm still dealing a case of burnout, and I'm about afraid it's spilling over into the singing I do. I'm struggling to not feel like it's a chore but things I like to do. I've never felt that way about singing before, and it's kinda got me a little freaked out. Hopefully it's just a small mid life crisis thing and I'll snap out of it soon. Anyway, I should have some photos up sometime today. Until then, I remain.. dhbraley

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