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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

Wow...It's been awhile..

I think I just uploaded all my works this year to the site. Man, I need a keeper. I haven't been here in Hell and ever.

In my defense, life's been kinda hectic this year. I've been learning a second position at work, I'm now in 3 regular choirs (and 1 seasonal one), I've been researching Public Domain and Open Source heroes that I'm looking to incorporate into my own superhero universe with my creations to do a wb comic, I have a story of a Steampunk Batman I'm working on, a story I put down a few years ago I'm looking at revitalizing...and to top it off, I'm getting MARRIED a week from today (where did the time go?)

Amazingly enough, by this time next Saturday I'll be a married man....something that I thought for many, many years was impossible. I'm glad I was wrong, and am looking forward to a new chapter in my life with my Cynthia. Now if I could just sort the money-thing, I'll be in business. :-)

Anyway, I hope to get a lot done soon and be here more regularly. Oh, for those who've followed in the past, the web address has changed (I couldn't afford the domain name BRALEYCREATIVE from GoDaddy anymore). it is now this address.

Just a sampling of the work I've been doing, and hopefully a sign of things to come.

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