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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

Some things that kept me busy...

Ok, I'll admit it. I always feel guilty as Hell when I put together photo manips with pre-cut out stock. I mean, I feel like I'm cheating a little. However, guilt be damned, I did do a couple with some excellent stock. I just added them a moment ago, but if you missed them.

Basically, I did them to keep the creative juices flowing. For that same reason, I colored some line arts I found online, just to stay in practice coloring. I didn't include them in any of my pages for one simple reason..THE LINE ART IS NOT MINE. It goes back to those guilty as Hell feeling I mentioned earlier.

Jim Lee pencils, Scott Williams inks, All I did was color and switch bat symbol

Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. I think it's an unused line art for Jim Lee's ICONS book. Pencils are Jim Lee's, inks by Scott Williams. All I did was color and switch Bat Symbols. The X-Men line up here is from the old Arcade game, which is based of the Pryde of the X-Men pilot.

I did manage to get some drawing done too. Well drawing and digital tracing\fixing an old line art of mine.

The above piece is a commission for a friend of mine's grandson's friend, a 13 year old in the hospital undergoing chemo. From what I heard, all involved absolutely loved it. It's good to bring a little happiness in someone's life. The next one came from an old line art I had taken a digital pic of to post on DA. I had to trace it (and do a lot of correcting.. hell, even the females look masculine). I feel this is better.

Still working and striving and learning and growing. I still feel lie a art hobbyist instead of an full artist, but some days I think I do get it right.

Til next time, I remain,



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