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  • dhbraley

New work in a new home...

So, me and my wife Cynthia are finally moved into the house (have been for a couple of weeks, really) and now on the daunting task of putting things around and figuring where everything goes. Luckily, we had decided what room was for what in advance. I am happy to say that one of those rooms is an art studio for me. Drawing desk (I've kinda made one work), computer and scanner are all in one room. WooooHoooooo!!! At some point I'll share some pics, but right now, it's still kinda a mess.

I also have added new art to the Fantasy Gallery. These came from old line arts I digitally traced in Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 7, then digitally colored.

Above, An Uphill Battle. Below, The Price of Victory, Paid

My takes on Iron Man

That's what I've been doing the last little some of my old works a digital facelift. It's been keeping me creatively engaged while working through the move.

I have been doing some more digital coloring practice using line arts I've found online by such great artists as Mark Bagley, Greg Capullo, Butch Guice, Jason Fabok and others ( I believe I had some on my last blog). I may add a folder for strictly Coloring Samples.

Well, I have a couple more things to update, then I'm calling it a night. Til next time, I remain...


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