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  • dhbraley

On turning 45...

45. And in 5 years, I'll be 50. Daaammmnnnnn….

Oh well, we had good weather, I had a pretty good day of wandering the city, I had a bunch of well-wishes on Facebook, and I made the Birthday my mom made for me when I was a kid gluten free. Spaghetti (or in this case, zucchini noodles) with meat sauce and Chocolate cake (gluten free mix) with cream cheese icing (store bought). Me and Cynthia enjoyed it.

Anyway, I've added New art to the site.

A Witch's Work is Never Done

The Witch vs The Wizard and Wanderer

The Witch of the Jack O'Lantern has returned, folks. And after having last Halloween off, she's back with a Vengence.

I also added a new coloring practice,

Dick Giodano's Batman Family

I have several old line arts, both pencil sketches and inked, that I'm digitally tracing so I can color them digitally more effectively. Those should be coming down the pike pretty soon. Plus, I have an oddball idea I may need some assistance with for next Halloween for The Witch. Plus, a couple of ideas kinda puttering around in my brain.

Until then, I remain..


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