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  • Writer's picturedhbraley

Finally finished Updating... More Than A Year Later.

My last post was May 10th of last year (just as well, as last year was kind of a shit show). Anyway, I've added some new (to the site, at least) works. I'll put a few in here at the bottom of this communique. Included is a set of 4 paintings I recently completed. I have to say, they may be my best work to date. I have another one in mind based on this, which hopefully I'll be able to share here later.

Well, hopefully the Covid thing is slowing down. The group I sing with, The Lexington Singers, are doing their first LIVE concert tonight. We've done about 4 to 5 virtual concerts since March's some links:

I'm not in them. I couldn't figure out the tech. Also, I learn by ear more than by reading music and am not a pianist, and I found the process daunting. Add to that some mental issues I've been having throughout this whole COVID ordeal (I work at a retirement community, so I luckily had a job), and it just kinda kept me out (of course, I could have tried harder, I suppose).

I'm hoping with the Moondancer painting I finished that I'm more inspired to do more. I do sometimes worry that it's gonna take me hitting rock bottom to get me to pull myself up by the bootstraps. I'm even considering therapy, something I don't entirely trust, but it's better than doing nothing.

Sorry if this is such a downer of a post. I'll try to end on a high note by adding some the afformentioned pictures below. Til next time, I remain.....


Moondancer- 1st Quarter, New Moon, 3rd Quarter and Full Moon

Various others:

Jim Lee\Scott Williams line art digitally colored by me.

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